Philippus News 1/2022
Nataliya und Tatyana find help
Testimonies from immigrant women
Nataliya immigrated in August 2021 from Charkiw/Ukraine to Israel. Next to Kiew, Charkiw is the second biggest City in the Ukraine with it's around 1.5 million inhabitants. With it's 42 universities and colleges it is, beside Kiew, the most important center for science and education.
This is her story:
„I came to Israel with nothing. Life in the Ukraine was very hard and that's why I could not take very much with me. On the day of my arrival I received some money from the Ministry of Immigration and that was it.
And then came the time of the Jewish holidays here in Israel and as a consequence all the payments of the Ministry were late. For one month I had no income at all. From the first day I arrived here, I contacted the staff of Source of Life and they allowed me to stay in their church building for more than a month. They even helped me to find an appartment and they payed the first rate of the rent for me.
These guys from Source of Life gave me so much kindness and love that I never felt lonely or lost at all. Today there is a terrible war in my original homeland where my son and two of my grandchildren still live. Together we pray for their safety and right now Source of Life is helping me to take my relatives from the Ukraine to Poland. They don't only care for me and my family physically, but also mentally. I am really thankful for their love and support.“

We just received this message from Victor:
For now Nataliyas granddaughters and daughter in low are in Israel. By your donation we could buy the tickets from Bucharest Romania to Tel Aviv for all of them. And it was really miracle of God they could go through the border of Israel. We waited for them for whole day. They arrived in the morning and finally we have met the at the airport in the evening. Praise God! now we help them with food and with necessary things. They got permission to stay in Israel for three months, and girls are going to the school. We pray that God will open the door of Israel for forth generation of jewish roots. Today only third generation can get citizenship. So pray for that please. We very thankful to God, for all of you, for your help and support always.
Tanya immigrated in August 2021 together with her 14 year old son from Kiew to Israel. This is her story:
This is her story:
„As a new immigrant I needed a lot of things: I came to Israel without bedding or dishes etc., I had only the clothes I wore. During the first months I had huge financial problems, so that my son and I had to sleep without pillows and covers. Moreover, I had psychological problems and therefore I was looking for help. Some women I knew from the Ulpan (a school to learn the Hebrew language) gave me the phone number of Source of Life. When winter began and it started to get cold, I called this number and the guys from Source of Life gave us everything we needed for life: pillows, bedding, pots, warm clothing and so on. But this was not the end! Right from the beginning, they introduced themselves as believers in Yeshua and they told me that they are like a big family helping one another.
The word „family“ was really touching my heart, because I wasn't familiar with this term at all from my childhood on. During the past three months I received so much love from these people whom I didn't know before, so much kindness I never experienced in my former life. Today I can say that I'm really grateful for the present God gave to me: a family and a fellowship which saved me from my loneliness.“