Philippus News 1/2022
Source of Life
Help for new immigrants from the Ukraine
„When I have brought them back from the nations and have gathered them from the countries of their enemies, I will be proved holy through them in the sight of many nations. Then they will know that I am the Lord their God, for though I sent them into exile among the nations, I will gather them to their own land, not leaving any behind. I will no longer hide my face from them, for I will pour out my Spirit on the people of Israel, declares the Sovereign Lord.“
Ezekiel 39, 27-29
Victor Doroskin with his wife Lena
This passage was cited by Victor Doroskin, pastor of the congregation Source of Life which is located in downtown Haifa. He is convinced that we're just experiencing developments which were predicted by the prophet Ezekiel already 600 years before Christ. Therefore, the pastor and his team want to support the new immigrants when they arrive in Israel and also tell them about Yeshua, their Messiah.
He writes:
„The Sokhnut (= Jewish Agency) sends us immigrants from the former USSR, so that we can help them to integrate into society here in Israel. We help every person during their immigration process for some years, however our special focus is on the children to whom we distribute special gifts for the Jewish holidays.
During this terrible war families have arrived from Charkow and Odessa, big cities in the Ukraine that are being attacked by the Russian army. All the Jews from there are accepted as new immigrants in Israel and we and the whole congregation are willing to accommodate them in our private houses.
Right now we work together on the border with other organisations providing for the basic needs of refugees who came to Poland from the Ukraine.
In Israel we make no difference between Russians and Ukrainians, because all of us have got Jewish roots. Our congregation is far from being nationalistic. We're all from the former USSR and all of us pray for the situation in the Ukraine. It really reminds us of the story of Purim, written down in the book of Esther. There was this evil Haman who had no idea that the king's wife was Jewish and herewith part of the Jewish people. We can read there about Haman who ended up hanged on a tree. Everything that happens in this world can be seen spiritually and all these biblical stories recur in different countries and at different times – right now we are facing demonic powers. In our congregation we stand in prayer against demonic influence on the Russian authorities, which are used by the devil for the war against the Ukraine. We pray for president Selenskyj, because God gave the Ukraine a Jewish president. God alone knew what would happen in the future. We pray that God will give president Selenskyj and the Ukrainians understanding, that they cry unto the Lord and that he will reveal his glory. We pray that God in his wisdom will show to all the nations what they will be facing. We pray for people that they may understand the truth very soon and we pray that all Jews will return to Israel according to God's promises.“
When I asked what the western church can do, pastor Victor said: „The most important thing and my urgent appeal is that we need help right now and not sometime later. We think that one of the effects of this war will be a huge harvest for God's kingdom and therefore we need workers and as well financial support.“
We have been partners of the congregation Source of Life for many years and we really appreciate the altruistic and reliable way their leaders and staff are willing to serve.
Help for new immigrants from Ukraine
For donations please note: Ukraine
Volunteers of Source of Life
Event with survivors of the Holocaust