Yad b'Yad 2.0 Youth Program August 2022
"This was like a scene out of Acts 2"
This is a quote from a participant in our Yad b'Yad program last month. We are happy to share our experience in Nuremberg. Please read the report of our partner Evan Thomas, pastor in Netanya:
"That all of them may be one, Father, just as you are in me and I am in you. May they also be in us so that the world may believe that you have sent me." John 17:21
Based on Yeshua’s prayer from John’s Gospel 17:21, our declaration of unity was to show the world that Yeshua was sent by the Father. Given our historical and current conflict narratives, this was ‘easier said than done.’
The first three days were dedicated to intensive workshops: “Who are we in Yeshua?” and “Listening to ‘the still small voice.’” Other lessons were in understanding ‘Spiritual Warfare’ in the context of our mission location (Nuremberg). All these and more were conducted in an atmosphere of worship, prayer and team-building – even before we moved over to the center of Nuremberg itself.
If you are interested, it is worthwhile to do a little ‘Google research’ on the city to fully appreciate the spiritual challenges we faced. Two salient points from the Nazi era: it is the city were the mass rallies were held that were designed to sway the minds of the masses. It was also the location of the famous, ‘Nuremberg Trials’ of the Nazi war criminals, post WWII. Amazingly, the local church that felt led to invite our team to conduct the Sunday service for them, worships in a facility on the site where the trials took place! We serve a redemptive God!
In the field, we operated in teams of three: each consisting of at least one German, an Arab and a Jew. And so, apart from being multi-lingual, each mini-team carried the spiritual DNA of John 17:21, and many times these factors acted as ‘keys’ to unlock resistant hearts.
The highlight of the outreach came about as we all gathered in Jacobs-platz in the city center. Our local German team leader, Johannes, had secured permission for us to set up a sound system and instruments to conduct a public outreach…that was a miracle in itself! A few local Christians joined us, more to observe and pray in support. So, for at least two hours our musicians led worship in Arabic, German and Hebrew with others intermittently stepping up to the microphone and sharing brief testimonies of how the Messiah had changed their lives! They did this with courage and incredible vulnerability. All the ‘hard work’ earlier in the week suddenly ‘paid off.’
Here is our Ethiopian Jewish Sister sharing publically:
"The unique aspect of the ‘Jacobplatz outreach’ was the audience: very few Germans BUT lots of immigrants, refugees and asylum seekers including Syrian and Iraqi Moslems, Turks, Ukrainians and even Ethiopians. The ‘field was ripe’ and what an overwhelming pleasure to see our team of young men and women boldly step up to families and groups of men sharing their faith in the multiple languages needed. Truly this was like a scene out of Acts 2. I know at one point I was so overwhelmed by what was taking place, I had to turn and walk up the street to try and control my tears…an extraordinary event!"
During our final debrief and Lord’s Table before our respective journeys home, each team member expressed their gratitude. It had been really challenging at all levels, socially and spiritually, BUT all expressed it having been life-changing.
And that’s what it’s all about! Thanks so much for all your support…
Evan Thomas is leader of the Messianic Congregation Beit Asaph in Netanya.